The curatorial and editorial project for systems, non-
Sunday Salon 13 | Finishing Lines
Natalie Ryde
12 September 2021, 1:00pm to 5:00pm, then open by appointment until 18 Sept.
©Copyright Patrick Morrissey and Clive Hancock All rights reserved.
A piece of fabric hangs in the studio. It is a discarded section of material from the point when a punch card knitting machine changes from one pattern to another, a stretch of textile with a boundary in the middle that is both a finishing line and a starting line. A remnant of the lineage of my own family history; the knitted scrap reminds me that the lines I weave in pen are bound to me in strands of DNA. Employing a systematic approach to the making of a drawing is what brings me to Saturation Point and yet this exhibition occurs as new modes of expression enter my practice. I want to question my finishing lines.
I intend to hang a series of works at different stages of completion, revealing the
forces at play behind the veil of refined line. The tick-
I am interested in states where these opposing forces are held together in tension.
Rather than resolution or harmony, the situation I find most alluring is compromise.
There are battles happening between surfaces, brush-
The works on display at Sunday Salon will challenge my own commitment to the reductive artistic language that anchors my practice.
Close Observation, 100cm x 100cm, acrylic ink and paint on canvas, 2021
The dense body of a passing god, acrylic ink and paper on canvas, 100 x 140cm
Field Study, 2021, acrylic ink on Somerset satin 300gsm paper 19cm x 26cm
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view