The curatorial and editorial project for systems, non-
Sunday Salon 22 | Jeremy Morgan | Resolution/Dissolution
Saturation Point Studio, 17 July 2022.
©Copyright Patrick Morrissey and Clive Hancock All rights reserved.
Being invited to hang paintings for a Saturation Point Sunday Salon provided a great opportunity to review work developed over the last three years in a beautifully lit, intimate project space.
Stacker series, 2019, acrylic on MDF panels, variable dimensions, max height: 36cm
I hung the earlier small-
Kaizen, 2020, acrylic and ‘heritage’ house paint on plywood, 61 x 33.5 cm
Divine, 2021, acrylic, exterior paint and emulsion on panels, 30.5 x 26.5 cm
Works from 2019 to 2021 tend to use the energy of pure colour, with elements clearly demarcated from each other in flat, opaque, graphic space. Works such as Internal Divine and Kaizen which are also included in the show, display a link to the concerns of graphic design (a profession in which I work). Forms tend to be unequivocal and clearly defined (even if what they are describing is an equivocal, unstable or undefined state).
Ragged Right, 2021, acrylic on MDF, 32.5 x 38 cm
The use of off-
Quencher, Lounger, Offsetter, 2022, acrylic on plywood panels, variable dimensions, max height: 64 cm
More recently I have been exploring translucent paint applications, creating secondary
and tertiary colours and forms where the spliced together base structure is out of
alignment with the painted surface. Three paintings from this ongoing body, Quencher,
Lounger and Offsetter, are hung on the west wall of the studio space. I think of
these as open-
Lounger, 2022, acrylic on plywood panels, 63.5 x 52 cm
With sincere thanks to Saturation Point for the opportunity to show these works.
Rebounder, 2021, acrylic, emulsion on reclaimed panels, 33.5 x 29 cm