The curatorial and editorial project for systems, non-
White Circle | Sunday Salon 19
Saturation Point Projects, May 2022
©Copyright Patrick Morrissey and Clive Hancock All rights reserved.
White Circle brings together a large group of outstanding international non-
The aim of the exhibition is to connect and unite all the artists in a show of solidarity and support for our friends in Ukraine, having to endure unbelievable hardships because of the illegal Russian invasion of their country.
The exhibition will highlight Kyiv’s amazing cultural contribution to the world and
celebrate one of their most famous sons -
The White Circle artists have been asked to respond to the ideas and aesthetics of ‘White on White’ 1918. The painting is one of Malevich's most important works, and after completing the piece he said: "I have overcome the lining of the coloured sky. . . . Swim in the white free abyss, infinity is before you. "
Works will be presented as unique high quality A4 lustre professional DPII 230gsm
prints and will be available for sale for £30 each from the not-
100% of the sale of each work will go directly to the Kyiv Non Objective (KNO) art organisation, which will distribute funds to artists in Kyiv and Ukrainian artists in need who have been evacuated.
Organised by Deb Covell and Saturation Point Projects, directed by London artists
Patrick Morrissey and Hanz Hancock in close co-
t e k s a s (DK) West Projects (AUS) EST art foundation (NL)
Special thanks to Tiberiy Szilvashi (UA) and Serhiy Popov (UA) for contributing with advice and support for the project.
Saturation Point Projects, Acme studios, 165 Childers Street, Deptford, London SE8 5JR
Exhibition dates: 14 and 15 May 2022, then by appointment until 29 May.
Alan Hathaway -
Anton Logov
Arleta Cehic -
Arvid Boecker -
Beth O’Grady
Beverly Rautenberg -
Billy Gruner and Sarah Keighery -
Clare French
David Goerk -
Deb Covell -
Dolf Verlinden -
Don Voisine -
Eva Francova -
Gerda Kruimer -
Grace Wychowanska -
Heather Jones
Ian Boutell-
Ivo Ringe -
Jeffrey Cortland Jones -
Judith Duquemin -
Karen Foss
Karin Beyens -
Kieran Brimm
Lars Strandh -
Iemke van Dijk -
Louise Blyton
Louise P Sloane -
Mice Poptsis -
Morrissey & Hancock -
Munira Naqui -
Oriane Stender -
Patrick O’Donnell -
Phil Illingworth -
René Collet
Roland Orepuk -
Serhiy Popov -
Shawn Stipling -
Stu Burke
Tiberiy Szilvashi -
Ulla Pedersen -
Wahida Azhari -
Yoella Razili -
Tarn McLean